I'll try to answer all the questions -
Please give me some basic information about your setup:
1) what version of MSM are you running?
2) what motion control device are you using (PP, SS usb, SS enet or other)?
wayleon50 wrote:I am attempting to get Mach Std Mill -Turn setup but have run into some hair pulling snags.
1. Under the Settings Tab: Choosing the “home and TC sequence” of Z(Y)X doesn’t change the sequence. Homing and tool changes always start with the X move. Is there another setting somewhere? It works fine in MSMill.
Are X,Y,Z axes all enabled on the settings screen?
Is one of the axis select buttons on the settings screen on (green)?
I just retested this using MSM beta and both the "XZ(Y)" and "Z(Y)X" buttons did the expected axis order.
You say you see it start with X always, what happens after X?
wayleon50 wrote:I am attempting to get Mach Std Mill -Turn setup but have run into some hair pulling snags.
2. Setting the Tool block (corner) offsets and the location of the master tool is not a problem. When I attempt to set up subsequent tools the Y offset doesn’t make any sense. I am doing this without a tool probe. If I move +20mm in X, Z and Y, the Tool offsets (distance from my Master tool) for X and Z change to +20 when I press the “touch x/z” buttons. (This is without any additional input in the “boxes”). That makes sense. But when I press the “touch y” button (again with the boxes empty) the tool offset that gets entered is -10mm. I have tried this with Y moved 30mm and the offset entered is 0. If I don’t move Y at all then the value entered is -30mm.
Somewhere I am picking up a 30mm offset.
Note that this happens on from my machine control PC and also from the one I use to write and check programs. Also the “WC current position“ changes to zero for x and z when the button are pressed. This makes sense because the tool is theoretically at that position relative to the tool. But the “WC current position“ Y value does not change.
Any Idea what is going on?
Ok this is a bit hard for me to picture from just the post wording (my fault not yours).
Here are some ideas & questions:
1) Do you have master tool mode on or off ?
(I think it's ON given the way you've described this but I want to check)
2) what is the master tool number set to?
3) what tool number is mounted when you do the touch off?
4) What is the value of the "Fixed Y Offset" DRO?
(that could give the fixed offest you are describing).
5) I could better see what is happening if you would do this -
Take a screen shot of the WC offset, touch off page before and just after you click "touch Y".
The difference in DRO readings in the Top panel (the offset calculations panel) will let us see exactly what changed when you touched off Y.
Feel free to email me directly with the screen shots if you want.
wayleon50 wrote:I am attempting to get Mach Std Mill -Turn setup but have run into some hair pulling snags.
And just as a sanity check: Once I have a part faced off with the master tool to the end of the part (Z0) all I have to do is use that faced part to set the z offsets on the rest of my tools?
In master tool mode the tool offsets re relative to the master tool - so the TO values will correspond to the difference between the tool and the master.
wayleon50 wrote:
Assuming I am in g54 when I turn the part around to do side two, I use another work offset (g56) face that side to length, setting the work offset to z0 and all the other tools will be set from before.
If you use the master to set the work offset. Clisckintht tocu off buttons when the master is mounted causes the work offsets to shift.
If you touch off with a non-master tool, the tool offset is set for that tool.
wayleon50 wrote:
I that correct. How does the fixture offset relate of traditional work offsets?
in mill turn, the Too block Zero provides the offset from machine coords zero to the zero point of the tool block. This is done by setting the "tool blk Offset" values (which are really the mach G52/G92 offset DROs).
The tool offsets are then relative to the tool block zero point.
wayleon50 wrote:
I have a tool block with 11 tools in it. 3 turning and the rest drills, reamers, boring bars. I have been running in Mach 3 using separate work offsets for each tool and using G52 in the program to adjust tool wear and dial in the diameters.
Be careful then- MSM uses mach's G52 facility to handle the Tool Block Zero concept. If your program sets G52 offsets then MSM will get confused as to where things are...
wayleon50 wrote:
This requires editing the program for minor adjustments. It works but if anything gets shifted everything needs to be dialed in again.
I assume that in MSM-Turn tool the wear values are how to adjusted and dial in diameters.
Well, I'd like to be that magical.... mach is a bit flakey about how it handles wear values. Most of the time (at least in mIll mode) wear values simply don't work right.

Early in MSM development I had to start I recommending that users stay away from wear values in mach3. I then avoided them from the on and frankly, I'm not sure I've ever tried them in mach's lathe mode - I'm not sure what mach does with wear values in lathe mode.
wayleon50 wrote:
I have high hopes for MSM-Turn.
There are not a lot of MSM mill-turn users. I have used it for the projects that first caused me to create it and I've added some features (and a couple of bug fixes) suggested by others (the Fixed Y offset for gang tooling support is an example).
If we do find a bug we'll get it fixed up.