MSM ATC script run to fast need help

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MSM ATC script run to fast need help

Post by adam »

Hi CVI Forum user
I am working on a turret type tool changer for a lathe and i am finding that the MSM tool change script run thru the code cycle to fast and doesn't let the mechanical tool change
complete the help i need is the final part of the ATC m1s to hold the msm tool change tell the mechanical change is done currently i am using a msg box statement to hold the change time until i click the OK response from the msg box

things i have tried
systemwaitfor (input4)
adding a huge amount of time to the while ismoving and sleep statement
Code "g4 P5"

Thanks Adam
here is my current tool change code
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Re: MSM ATC script run to fast need help

Post by DaveCVI »

Hi Adam,
I've taken your short M6ATC script and annotated it wrt to what I think you are seeing happen. Please see the attached file.

We can make a script that wait for the tool change to be complete. to help you do that, I need to know a little bit about the interface for the tool changer.
Is there a signal into mach that the tool generates when a change is finished?
I might guess that Input4 is supposed to do that since you had used that signal in a commented out line of code).

BTW, I don;t know if you've looked at this, but at this link ... p?f=7&t=73
there is an example of an MSM M6ATC script for an emco turret tool changer.
if nothing else, it has several utility routines that you will probably find useful.

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Re: MSM ATC script run to fast need help

Post by adam »

Thanks Dave

I used the while While not IsActive (Input4) statement and does just what i wanted and also added the exit sub to the end
sleep 100

how ever i removed the small line of code that made the tool change position what i found is that I am still missing some thing thought the goto TC pos'n was going to do the move as part of the predefined function ATC script

thanks Adam
here is a revision of the ATC code posted earlier
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Re: MSM ATC script run to fast need help

Post by DaveCVI »

adam wrote: <snip> ...thought the goto TC pos'n was going to do the move as part of the predefined function ATC script
It should - IF the button is on. If the "TC Auto TCP" button is off, MSM will not change the position (I.e. will not go to the defined TC position).

Was the button on (green)?

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Re: MSM ATC script run to fast need help

Post by adam »


Yes the button is green... and if i press the goto TC pos'n it works
but this may make a difference I am running this code on my laptop with no motion controller hooked I just watching the Xpos And Zpos DRO's
the real machine is my shop across town going to try there

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Re: MSM ATC script run to fast need help

Post by DaveCVI »

My memory was faulty - I went and looked at the code -
In ATC mode MSM does NOT go to the TCP as part of a tool change. It only does this for stop & Wait tool change mode.
The design notes say that the idea was for the M6ATC script to do whatever is necessary instead of MSM Doing it.
Sorry for the confusion. If you want to do want to use the TCP location and go to it as part of the tool change, you will need to make that move in the M6ATC script.

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