When I hit the "Goto Zero" tab the tool move first to X0 then to Z0. Is it posseble to do it the other way round? i.e the tool move first to Z0 then to X0. If yes, how to do it?
Please see section of the lathe user manual for MSM. You can select the Hoem and TC (tool Change) sequence to be either X then Z then Y (if present for mill-turn) or Z then Y (if present) then X.
But it do not work. I have tried many times the 2 different settings in the settings page (XZ{Y} and Z{Y}X). The same thing happen, tool first to X0 then Z0.
Do I have to alter anything in Mach3?
I just checked and it works here for me. My guess would be that you may not have mach in lathe mode.
please go to the mach menu, view, load screens, and then change the "files of type" drop down in the dialog box to show .lset files. Now you will be able to see MachStdMIllLathe.lset in the dialog. Pick that file. This will cause mach to load the master LSET file whihc is what tells mach to run in lathe mode.
Now also go to MSM settings common and click the load screen button. Pick one of the MachStdMIllLathe-MillTurn-v3_<resolutions> lset files. This will load the MSM screens for mill turn.
Now try again and I suspect the buttons will control the home axis sequence (the buttons are only active when mach is in lathe mode).
Version 2.0.10
I followed yours instuktion, but I selekted wrong Mach Std MiillLath-MillTurn-v3_ resolutions lset file. Now I only see some of the screen and I do not know how to get the full screen back again. Place help.
(I picked 9 insted of 7).
I am back on screen! I folloved Your instruktion 3 tims, but faild to get the right sequense. The tool go first to X0 then to Z0. Suppose I have to live with it, but I do not like it, have had some nasty accidents.
I notice that you did not answer my question about what version of MSM you are using.
I re-tested this feature on the latest version (2.3.9) and confirmed that it works as documented.
If you are not using 2.3.9, I suggest that you update to that version.