lcvette wrote:Awesome!
I read that link and saw it says that I should use my for the offsets etc... Is that still the case or was that just because it was an older version of mach?
Seems like more confusion. My cam software does have the option to output compensations for each tool path and I can set the offsets, tip radius etc in the cam, it also has me draw all of my tools and save them as special STL files with a specific coordinate system where 0,0,0 is the tool tip radius center point. I am unclear if that is for the simulation or if it will output code adjusted for the tool tip radius. I will see of I can do it out some code on a nice whole number radius to finish on and see what the code has it cutting on the x axis and a facing operation the same and check the z axis finish.
Hopefully it is outputting un-adjusted code and leaving that for mach3 to contend with, I think that would be easier since I have gone through all the trouble of learning it that way.
There are differing opinions on whether cutter compensation is best done by CAM software or in the CNC controller.
If done in the CNC controller, then it is (theoretically) possible that by adjusting the cutter size in the tool table th eactual cut ocation can be adjusted on the part. This allows one to "dial in" an exact size on the part.
Of course this requires that the CNC control handles Cutter comp in a consistent and predictable manner. Alas, this is not always the case with Mach3. For example, Mach 3 implements wear values in the tool table, but (at least in mill mode) ignores them much of the time. Thus changing a wear value does not result in a different size part cut. I honestly do not have enough experience trying cutter compensation in mach's lathe mode to have an informed opinion re how well it works.
Doing the cuter comp in the Cam program is not really cutter compensation - as the cam program just programs the path to put the tool's cutting edge where it needs to be. The disadvantage of this is that you must re-post the cam program to change the cut location.
lcvette wrote:
Thoughts about how well mach handles turning offsets?
I'm not a heavy lathe user with mach (no CNC lathe here) so I don't really know.