Corrupted download of MSM

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Corrupted download of MSM

Post by ali_kat »

I'm a newbie to the forum and have only recently come across MSM for Mach3. I have used Mach3 for a few years now and have always been a bit disappointed with the screen quality. From what I have seen MSM seems to answer many of the issues that I have had. However, I cannot seem to download a copy of the software. I have now tried on three different PC's to download the MSM Personal package 2.10 as well as the Pro package (2.09) and every time it stops during the download and has to be resumed and finally a splash screen comes up saying the files are corrupted and I should download another copy. The reported size of the download is approx. 77 MB - is this correct?
Could someone advise me if I'm doing something wrong or point me to where I can get going with MSM. Thanks in advnce.

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Re: Corrupted download of MSM

Post by DaveCVI »

Hum, I just downloaded both MSM 2.0.10 personal and 2.2.1 Professional. Both downloaded OK, ran and installed and the resulting installations run as usual. So, I'm thinking the files are not actually corrupted.

FYI - here are the file sizes on my disk after download:
2.0.10 personal: 79,772 kb
2.2.1 professional: 80,337kb

Have you got some type of anti-virus, firewall or other software running that may be causing interference with the download? Might try turning that stuff off to see if it makes a difference for you. (The MSM install files are scanned for viruses etc when they are made - I've never had a problem with them).

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Re: Corrupted download of MSM

Post by ali_kat »

Hi Dave,

Thanks for getting back to me. I will continue to try and download the flies but I've had no luck yet. As I said in my first email, I've tried to download on three different PC's with the same result each time. Originally I tried when I was home in the UK but I am now in Azerbaijan where I work. I have tried twice over here but, again, with no success. I don't think it is an antivirus problem as I have been able to download other files without any issues.

I will continue to try and let you know how I get on.


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Re: Corrupted download of MSM

Post by ali_kat »


I have gone over the previous download attempts and noted that not one of them has fully downloaded the 77.9 mb file size. I have just tried to download the personal edition again and it got to 16 mb and stopped. I don't know why this is happening. Any ideas?


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Re: Corrupted download of MSM

Post by ali_kat »

Hurrah!!! Success!!! Eventually ended up downloading via my mobile phone and sending across to the laptop via Bluetooth. Not the most usual way of downloading but it worked.

Now it's time to get to grips with the new layouts and see if this is what I'm after. First viewings look good.

I'll be back in due course with my findings.


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Re: Corrupted download of MSM

Post by DaveCVI »

OK, good to know that you could get the instal file.
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