Hi Adam,
Ah, a case of trying to apply old mach habits to MSM, alas that won't work.
MSM was written to use mach interfaces that did not exist until mach 3.32.22
Thus it requires that some things happen differently that what worked for early (and simpler) screen sets.
Please refer to section 15.5 of the user manual for details.
In the mean time, here are some pointers to help out:
1) when creating a customized MSM screen set, you do not use any of the old (pre-MSM) mach tools. In particular, do not use mach loader to create/clone an existing set file.
2) NEVER use the mach view/load screen to load any screen set named other than MachStdMill.set (for mills) or MachStdMillLathe.lset for lathe mode.
Time to break old habits - stop thinking about using mach to create screen sets for MSM. This is now done internally to MSM.
adam wrote:I'm trying to load a custom screen to a new profile cloned from Default (stock) MSM profile here are the steps that I'm taking.
start Mach3 loader create net profile ----->clone from MASTERmachStdMill
Nope, this tell me you are trying to use mach in "loader" mode - that's not what you want to be doing for MSM.
adam wrote:
---> name it click Create --->highlight new profile name click OK----> New session of Mach3/MSM starts with default MSM mill screen.
Again, forget this - not what you want.
adam wrote:
Then I try to go to setting button load new screen but, only the .set is selected can not be change. Then I try the view load screen on the menu bar then select .lset from the drop down menu move threw the folders to find MachStdMill screen set folder where two options master and customs I choose (for now ) a master lathe screen 10x7 then it loads to the current screen no tap buttons at bottom of screen will work so I close out that mach session and restart when the new session starts no screen is loaded page is gray.
Thanks Adam
All this is side effects of not using the MSM built in tools. The technical reason is that by using the mach tools you created a new screen set, with a new name. Changing the loaded screen set name makes mach look in the wrong directories for all the buttons, leds, scripts etc. The search path mach uses is screenset name dependent - so changin the name stops things from working right.
Here is what you want to be doing:
1) go to the MSM settings common screen.
2) Use the MSM "Clone screen"button to make a new MSM style screen set that is cloned from an existing MSM screen set.
3) Now that you have a clone, use the MSM button "Load screen" to load the new one you just made.
Again- mach itself must be loading ONLY MachStdMIll.set (for mills) - if you have changed it, put it back or MSM will not work right.
Now you have a MSM Style cloned screen set, you can make changes to the clone (that you built from inside MSM) with a screen editor etc (I find MachScreen to be the best).
Re loading .set or .lset files - when the MSM load screen button is used, it shows you the type of sets files that match the mode that mach is currently in. If you are in mil mode, you are shown MSM .set files. If you want to change to lathe mode, use the dialog pull down to change the filter from .set to .lset. Now you will see the .lset files. If you pic one of those, the lset will get loaded an you will now be in lathe mode.