I need help / advise on 2 general topics
I am using MachSTDMill Pro.
Topic 1 – Zero
I am using Mach 3 on my DIY CNC router.
I am using a vacuum table (also DIY) and on top of it a spoilboard.
I mainly cut wood / cabinets and toys.
What I found is that when I zero on the top right corner of the wood piece, I not always get it 100% and sometimes I have onionskin and sometimes not. This is frustrating and is casing problems.
Attached are some pics of my setup. I have a touchoff plate of 1.6mm that I use to zero the top of my wood. I also have a gauge block where I always zero my bits.
On this photos you will see the grey vacuum table top and on top of it is the spoilboard.
What I was thinking. The top of my table is a constant, and for most of the time the top of my spoilboard is also a constant, unless I re-surface my spoilboard.
So this constant will help me to have an accurate Z-Axis calibration and all I need to do is then to zero my X- and X-Axis.
Topic 2 – Onionskin
If I then zero on the lower part of my wood and I define the wood to be the exact thickness. My mashine will not leave an onionskin. In Aspire , is there a common way to setup unionskin? Or should I just manually reduce the cut depth to leave onionskin?