Hi Adam,
adam wrote:Hello,
I would like to add a B axis to the Tail stock of my Lathe project so I can program different positions.
The questions I have are can it be done using the MSM lathe Screen set ?
A B axis can be added to the MSM Lathe screens. You would need to create a customized MSM screen set (see the chapter in the Mill user manual about customizing MSM; the techniques are the same for later/mill screens).
It will require a fair bit of screen page editing... I'd start from the mill-turn screens which have X,Z,Y and change the Y stuff to corresponding B axis DROs etc.
adam wrote:
How to Setup homing so when the reference all button is activated it will be the first one to start homing B,X,Z ?
Thanks Adam
You can add a B axis home operation by modifying the MSM reference script. The script that does this is the All-RefAllHome.m1s file.