Since I get to be the first person to post. I wanted to post my hardware config. All these pieces work together seamlessly for me.
Dell Optiplex 780 or similar. They are dirt cheap and on EBay and are rock solid with everything you need. I like mine with the graphics cards, but I am not sure that's necessary.
PMDX-126 Breakout board, this gives you touch sensor support
PMDD-134 Motherboard for gecko drivers (I love that you can turn off the motor power when you want to take a break)
PMDX-179 Cool remote bunch of blinking lights
XBox Controller - The best part is taking the kids with you to buy it and telling them, "no, this one is mine".
Generic Touch Probe with LED Light
Mach 3.043.062
XBox PlugIn
MSM Professional 2.0
I use Microsoft Visio for a lot of my 2D drawing, and sheetcam to covert that to GCode.