MSMAPI_RSCall and way to use this script
Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:20 pm
I want to use the script MSMAPI_RSCall to get variable from built-in MSM script. Is somone can post an example of the call routine?
In the manual they talk about
' use of this script requires that the user script have already included the MSMAPIConstants header file.
How i do that
In the MSMAPIs.m1s the fuction look like that:
Function MSMAPI_RSCall(ByVal MSMScriptName As String, _
ByRef P1 As variant, _
ByRef P2 As variant, _
ByRef P3 As variant, _
ByRef P4 As variant, _
ByRef P5 As Variant ) As Integer
I have several question about this.
Do we need builtin function variable list to know where they variable will end in the output of MSMAPI_RSCall
When we call this function, for example, to mesure circle center
Call RunScript("ScreenSetMacros\" & GetActiveScreenSetName() & "\" & "Masters\Scripts\Common\ProbingAPI-CircleCenter")
how can i know in wich output variable of MSMAPIs i can find the circle diameter. How i can call MSMAPIs, befor RunScript, after, within?
An example will be a good starting point for me
Thanks for answer. im in the dark right now.
In the manual they talk about
' use of this script requires that the user script have already included the MSMAPIConstants header file.
How i do that
In the MSMAPIs.m1s the fuction look like that:
Function MSMAPI_RSCall(ByVal MSMScriptName As String, _
ByRef P1 As variant, _
ByRef P2 As variant, _
ByRef P3 As variant, _
ByRef P4 As variant, _
ByRef P5 As Variant ) As Integer
I have several question about this.
Do we need builtin function variable list to know where they variable will end in the output of MSMAPI_RSCall
When we call this function, for example, to mesure circle center
Call RunScript("ScreenSetMacros\" & GetActiveScreenSetName() & "\" & "Masters\Scripts\Common\ProbingAPI-CircleCenter")
how can i know in wich output variable of MSMAPIs i can find the circle diameter. How i can call MSMAPIs, befor RunScript, after, within?
An example will be a good starting point for me
Thanks for answer. im in the dark right now.