Probe Sources; Hardware Vendors

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Probe Sources; Hardware Vendors

Post by DaveCVI »

The following is a reproduction of some info that was on the old support board:

<Feb 2, 2011>

First I’m not a probe vendor and I have no financial interest in any of the probes mentioned below - these are just the ones I know of off the top of my head.

When I’m developing probing routines for MSM, well, ah software bugs can have a rather nasty/expensive consequence. :-(
I feel lots better crashing one of these vs. a $1k probe. :-) so I've been using the inexpensive probes.

At the low cost end seems to be one common design available from a couple of sources.

These probes are not bad – They're adjustable, does what it is supposed to and I find them it a good value for the price.

If you are just getting started, the accuracy of this probe design is probably sufficient. Other things have to get worked out before more accuracy is usable anyhow (See MSM manual section on probe mounting, accuracy etc).

Arnie's Probe
[info updated 11-2011]
Arnie (Zarzul on the Machsupport forums) designed, makes and sells an inexpensive probe.
He can be reached at
Price: $125
There are some pictures of the probe in the bargain basement forum of machsupport: ... 766.0.html

WildHorse Econo-Probe: ... t&catId=17

Having crashed and broken a Wildhorse proe a few times and ordered repair parts, I've realized that this is a hand built product and “parts are not always parts”. Replacement parts have differed from prior parts (in dimensions, threads etc), so some tweaking can be required when replacing broken parts.

OTOH, I can buy a whole probe for less than what some others charge for a single replacement shaft/tip.

Here is another source for the same probe basic probe design as the Arnie/WildHorse:
$125 ... cts_id=323

Rockler woodworking:
I have seen this on their web site but don’t know anything about it other than what their site says.

Hard to know, but it looks in pics to be the same probe as the one sold by Rockler.
FYI - There is no "add to shopping cart" button for the probe on their site (wasn't there 18 months ago when I first looked either). You'll have to ask them how you buy one of these. I did see one at the CNC workshop last year so they do exist.

Tormach has lots of things - including a probe.

[update 11-2011]
Tormach also now sells a "passive probe" for $210

There is a reason probes are often called “Renishaw probes” – in that respect “Renishaw” is like “Kleenex” – their name has become a generic term for probes.

Go here to see the standard of the industry (bring a fat wallet); ... ware--6073

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