TP (Touch Plate) help

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TP (Touch Plate) help

Post by sivtek »

I use TP to set the tool to the correct height for working, but after installing a new BOB (C11GR9-) I can not getting it working correctly again. I have forgotten the settings.
In Settings - Common Page I have enabled " TCP TP Installed button set the Max Dist. to 20 mm and Gauge/Plate Height to 0.8mm".
Then when I start a program I get up the Tooling page and then pressing the "Set TP TLO" the spindle goes down, hit the TP, stops and moves back up. But then when hitting the Cycle Start button on the same page the spindle (or tool) is not going down to the depth set in the cn program. The program is running fine otherwise).
Johannes Line
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Re: TP (Touch Plate) help

Post by DaveCVI »

sivtek wrote:Hi.
I use TP to set the tool to the correct height for working,
Do you mean that you use a touch plate to set the Work Coordinate zero for the Z axis? Or that you use a Tool Change Position Touch Plate to set the length (Height) of the tools?
I think from what you wrote below, you mean the TCP TP to set tool length offsets.
sivtek wrote: Then when I start a program I get up the Tooling page and then pressing the "Set TP TLO" the spindle goes down, hit the TP, stops and moves back up. But then when hitting the Cycle Start button on the same page the spindle (or tool) is not going down to the depth set in the cn program. The program is running fine otherwise).
Check the buttons in the "TC Options & master Tool Mode" panel on the tooling page. These control which actions are done as part of the cycle start *tool change) sequence.
I suspect the "TC Auto TCP" button is off - but you'll want tot check all the option button settings.

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