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MSM Beta Release (pro edition only)
Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:59 am
by DaveCVI
MSM beta is available.
Release date: March 21 2013 (beta has a 60 day life)
Keys changes:
6 axis screen support
Plasma specific Screen support
MIll-Turn enhancements to support gang tooling fixtures
Misc bug fixes
See the release notes for details.
MSM Beta Release (pro edition only)
Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:50 am
by DaveCVI
MSM beta is now available.
With this MSM release you can now interface both probes and touch plates without requiring external electronics to do so.
By using two pins on your break out board and the MSM "two signal" interface option, the need for external electronics to combine active high and active low signals has been removed.
Please see information in Chapter 6 of the MSM mill user manual and the release notes for details of the Two Signal interface option.
MSM Beta Release 2.1.4
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:12 pm
by DaveCVI
There is a new MSM beta release posted: 2.1.4
OK, This MSM version actually implementes some of the changes that were supposed to be in the 2.0.12+ versions....
We had become aware the the last few changes made to the probing library were doing nothing… because Mach was not compiling the library!
Apparently the MSM probing lib has grown to some size that causes either mach or the cypress compiler to fail when asked to compile the Lib script – and the failure is silent, no error, no warning. Thus while the source was changed the compiled binary was not getting changed. SO… all changes after 2.0.12 have not really made it to release… sigh.
Since there is no longer any support for Mach3 from Artsoft, the only choice was to shrink the size of the MSM Probing lib. To do this, fairly massive internal changes were made to the MSM probing code to reduce the size of the original lib by enough to avoid the mach non-compile bug.
Compatibility Warning: Any existing scripts that are calling the MSMProbing Lib directly and are using the TP or TLO functions will need to be updated to call the new MSMProbing2 Lib instead. We suspect that this will not impact any MSM end users, but could impact some MSM OEM customers.
Because this library split creates a significant change in the internals of MSM, the minor version has gone from 2.0.x to 2.1.x. This forces the MSM installer to uninstall the 2.0.x version before installing 2.1.x.
Assuming nothing else was broken during this lib restructure, there should be no end–user apparent difference in probing functionality.
A positive note: Now that this restructure has been done, it is again feasible to implement additional probing features.
MSM 2.2.0 Beta Release
Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 5:53 pm
by DaveCVI
This beta release removes all MSM brains and replaces that logic with periodic scripts. There should be no difference in operation from the user viewpoint.
However, the brains were a support issue to CVI and the total lack of mach 3 maintenance From New Fangled Solutions, is causing mach3 to show evidence of "bit rot"... so MSM has stopped using Mach3 brains.
MSM 2.3.2 Beta
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:50 pm
by DaveCVI
MSM 2.3.2 beta is now available.
This release has misc bug fixes including correction of some Buttons that went dead in earlier releases due to a software build system bug.
This release also has some internal restructuring to support OEM version new features.