Latest MachStdMill Production Release: 2.3.14

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MachStdMill Production Release: 1.1.10

Post by DaveCVI »

<July 26, 2011>
MSM 1.1.10 has been posted.

One minor bug fix in proxy activation.
User Manual improvements:
Added a tutorial getting started with Probing
Added a short glossary of abbreviations

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MachStdMill Production Release: 1.1.11

Post by DaveCVI »

<Aug 3, 2011>
MSM 1.1.11 has been posted.

One bug fix in this release:
Corrected bug that causes an incorrect back of amount between 1st and 2nd probe of a double probe when doing the Special TCP TP set up sequence.

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MachStdMill Production Release: 1.1.16

Post by DaveCVI »

<Oct 2, 2011>
MachStdMill v1.1.16 has been released.

Key changes since v1.1.11 include:

Bug fixes:
- Attempts to use ATLO option for Tool 0 no longer reset Mach.
- In master Tool Mode, TLO's for tools could become when MT=PT.

MTM users should update to this release and recalibrate the TCP TP location.

- Added User extension hooks to M6Start and M6End.
- Various enhancements and corrections to documentation.

As usual, for details please see the release notes.

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MachStdMill Production Release: 1.1.17

Post by DaveCVI »

<Oct 12, 2011>
MachStdMill v1.1.17 has been posted.

Highlights of this release are:
1) This release fixes the bug introduced in v1.1.16 by the switch of Mach DROs used to set WC Offsets. This was responsible for the MT mode (Not when MT = probe tool) offset error when setting Z0 with the master tool. The code was reverted back to use the prior Mach DRO set to avoid the internal Mach issue which caused the problem.

As a side effect of this required change, the DROS on the WC Offset page for the WC position column are now consistently the non-multi mode WC DRO set.

2) MSM always stored the TCP in machine coordinates. I recently learned that mach changes the units of machine coordinates DROs when G20/G21 is used.... (rather baffling as it makes little for a machine coordinate to be in any unit other than the setup units for the machine).
This could create a situation where the TCP coordinates used for a tool change were not in the same units as the current unit state of the machine. MSM now stores the TCP in native setup units and converts on the fly to current GCode mode units so that the TCP position coordinates used will always be the same units as the current units mode.

As usual more details are in the release notes.

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MachStdMill Production Release: 1.1.18

Post by DaveCVI »

<Oct 31, 201>
MSM Production release 1.1.18 is available.

Probing with the 3D probe is now allowed when the gage block is set to be a mobile Touch plate.
Adds protection to prevent MSM from invoking a G31 from mach when the probe is already triggered (which avoids a Mach bug that causes an infinite motion loop).

See release notes and user manual update for more information.

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MachStdMill Production Release: 1.1.20

Post by DaveCVI »

<Feb 10, 2012>
Hi, MSM 1.1.20 has been released.

This is release incorporates a few bug fixes:

• If MSM installed on a drive other than C: there could be an error when opening some MSM config log files.

• The MSM installer had an option turned on that marked mach3.exe file as having been installed by the MSM installer. This causes MSM 1.1.18 to delete mach3.exe when it is uninstalled.
This is fixed in MSM 1.1.20. upgrading from 1.1.18 to 1.1.20 will fix the problem. However, any direct uninstall of 1.1.18 will end up deleting the mach3.exe file.

The recovery solution is to re-run the mach installer to get the mach3.exe file back.

• Restructured Alpha & Beta release load logic -
Alpha and beta releases now expire X days after their release date.
This is intended to prevent alpha & beta releases from hanging around and causing ongoing support issues.

The expiration period for alpha and beta release is subject to change, the current settings are 30 days for Alpha and 60 days for Beta.

This is considered plenty of time for a development release to be run and CVI has always moved applicable changes to a production release in less than 60 days.

Alpha releases will not run in trial mode – an activated MSM system is required to run an Alpha release (potential customers for MSM should not be evaluating Alpha releases as they are by definition unstable)

Beta releases can be run in trial mode (in case a potential MSM customer desires to check out a particular feature or verify that a particular bug has been fixed).

There is no change to Production releases, they continue to work forever without any time out.

• Added close & load gcode buttons to 12x9 mill run page

• Changed teach button to load teach file when it’s closed (so you can see what you’ve “taught”).

See the MSM release notes for other changes.

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MachStdMill Production Release: 1.1.21

Post by DaveCVI »

<Feb 12, 2012>
MachStdMill 1.1.21 has been released.

One Bug fix: Fixed a bug that could cause an unexpected error:51 when trying to display an error message if a Winsock connection to the license server failed during online activation.

Note: Even though this release was posted on Feb 12th, 2012, the programmed release date for MSM 1.1.21 is Feb 10th, 2012 which is the same date as MSM 1.1.20.
This allows any license that could run MSM 1.1.20 to be able to run MSM 1.1.21 also.

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MachStdMill Production Release: 1.1.22

Post by DaveCVI »

<Feb 18, 2012>
MachStdMill 1.1.22 has been released.

One Bug fix: IF master tool mode was on, the Set Z Zero touch operation, when used with a gage block, would set WCF Z0 incorrectly. Revision history indicates this was Ok thru MSM 1.1.16 but broken with 1.1.17.

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MachStdMill Production Release: 2.0.0

Post by DaveCVI »

<May 31, 2012>
MSM 2.0 is now available.

There have been lots of changes since MSM 1.1, and CVI wishes to thank all those that participated in the Alpha and Beta test phases of this release!

The new Lathe support and Mill-Turn facilities are in MSM 2.0. In addition, the release is again bug free (knocking on wood ;) ) as of the release date.

There have also been some significant changes to the pricing of the Personal Edition: see this post for more information. ... thread=333
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MachStdMill Production Release: 2.0.2

Post by DaveCVI »

<July 18, 2012>
MachStdMill 2.0.2 has been released.

Two minor bug fixes & Added Timing Input signal LED to hardware signals page. See release notes for more info.

Productivity Software for Personal CNC Machinists
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