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Re: GCode Editor
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:43 pm
by sivtek
Thanks that did it, I was at the non-GCode editor.
I now get up the gcodes and can edit them, but I am getting up the GCodes in a funny way, probably something with my notpad settup,- or should I use something else? Not easy to use. Se atch.
Re: GCode Editor
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 4:51 pm
by DaveCVI
OK, so we have that problem solved.
There are several gcode editors around - some free, some commercial paid products.
Do a google search for gcode editor and you'll find several.
I've used NCPlot for a lot of years and like it.
Here are some other gcode editor names I remember:
Cnc syntax editor
There are lots more,
Re: GCode Editor
Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:50 am
by sivtek
Thanks Dave, now on both the mill and the lathe I can use the EDIT. Did not know that so many gcode editors exsisted. I do not requere an advansed one so I found and using a lighter one. If any is interstet here is the link:
Re: GCode Editor
Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 7:15 pm
by DaveCVI
I use notepad++ a lot for program editing but not for gcode. Using ntoepad++ for g-code in it might be handy at times -
Did you find a add on for Notepad++ that does syntax highlighting for g-code?
Re: GCode Editor
Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 1:15 pm
by sivtek
Hi Dave.
The probleme is me, I am a retired civilengineer (road and sewer construction) and now I am doing mechanical work as a hobby. Have buildt a traction engine (1 1/2" Allhin and more). I started using a CNC machine a cople of years ago. I am shelfthought, all I know about CNC I have read in magazine, books and the internet, have none to ask exsept the internet. So many of my question probably is stupid, bot I am learning.
About the Gcode editor, I thought when I hit the EDIT on the scren I would get up a wordpad or notpad where I could edit the Gcode,- Correct the speed, feed and so on. It did work for me before I posted this post in frum. This was good enougth for me, but then it stopt working,- got a bad page wich I sent to the forum as a attch.
In your answere I realised that a Gcode Editor is much more than just that, but for me the notepad++ is just what I need and wanted. If I have to make big adjusment I go back to my drawing program (TurboCAD) and (CamBam) to produse the Gcodes for my machine. I do not know if this make any sense, but this is as good I can.
BTW. is there a better metode to adjust the Gcodes (or Gcode program?)?
Re: GCode Editor
Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:27 pm
by DaveCVI
sivtek wrote:Hi Dave.
I am shelfthought, all I know about CNC I have read in magazine, books and the internet, have none to ask exsept the internet.
We all learn sometime - personally, that's one of the things I love about the net - it lets me learn new stuff all the time. I remember having to go to a library and order books that might have what I was looking for - and waiting for a week for the book to show up.... The net is so much better!
sivtek wrote:
BTW. is there a better metode to adjust the Gcodes (or Gcode program?)?
If you are writign Gcode by hand, a good gcode editor will make the job much easier and more accurate.
I've lost track of what is around that is free, I've used NCPLOT for years and like it - but it's a paid product (Currently on sale for $189).
You can go to to see an example of what a good editor can do.