To participate (post), you'll need to create a user account for the forum.
Most CVI forums are open to anyone for reading.
We try not to have too many rules to follow - basically CVI asks that you keep all posts civil and suitable for reading by anyone.
Please try not to get too far off topic. If you do want to post something that you think will be of general interest to a board's audience, go ahead and please mark the subject with [OT] so people will know.
In general, this is a forum for reasonable folks, we figure you'll act as responsible adults and in exchange we try not to expend time moderating or approving posts.
If, for some reason (I can't imagine one as I write this), you should have a issue wrt to this board, contact the admin or a moderator privately and give us a chance to resolve any complaints.
Rules & Guidelines
Good grammar is always a plus
But at the same time, forgive anyone who would have difficulty with this, such as foreign board members whose grip on English grammar may be incomplete.
Preview before you post
Sometimes, you may type something that doesn't come out exactly right. The Preview gives you a chance to see how it would look before posting. If you feel you can't trust your typing or spelling, try the spell checker.
Watch out for profanity
The occasional "damn" or "hell" may be overlooked. More graphic and vulgar language will not be tolerated in any of the forums.
Posts with swearing, sexually explicit content, and other "adult only" topics are strictly forbidden. Posting such material anywhere may result in banishment.
Don't spam
Pointless, annoying or off topic posts will not win you friends. Spam and you my find your messages moved, nuked and/ or your account locked.
Do not insult
Do not fling insults (and that includes name-calling) or make threats. Disrespectful or threatening posts are not allowed. If you are angry or upset, and feel like lashing out, just leave until you cool down.
Do not argue or get drawn into a flame war
Do not start or get drawn into an argument. Debates are fine, as you are free to disagree with people's opinions, but when your posts lose meaning or start resorting to insults, it's time to stop.
Do not advertise
Do not sign up for the sole purpose of advertising or soliciting. Advertising and other forms of solicitations will be allowed in small quantities once you have shown yourself to be an active member of the forum. These are CVI's forums so do not advertise products that directly compete with CVI products.
Do not reveal personal information
Be reasonably cautious and do not give out personal information in a public posting, such as your phone number or address, and do not ask others to do so either.
Do not threaten
Do not make threats. Do not threaten to harm, to spam, to hack, to defame, or anything else.
Do not bogart a thread
Do not make a thread and try to claim absolute control over it. Although you can create topics, you do not own them. They belong to the board, so you cannot prevent people from posting and you cannot force a moderator to lock or delete it.
Don't anger the Admin
You don't tug on Superman's Cape; You don't spit into the wind; You don't pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger; And you don't mess around Admin... (with apologies to Jim Croce)
