derek wrote:
Well I was in master tool mode so that-.75 would cause issues. Correct?
We need to draw a distinction here between Master Tool MODE (MTM) and what tool # is set to be the master tool.
with MTM ON, the TLO for the master will be = 0. This is because in MTM all tool TLO values are relative to the master tool PTL (Physical tool length), in other words the TLO is the difference between the Master Tools PTL and the tools PTL. SO... the difference between the Masters PTL and the Masters PTL has to = 0.
Not then, assuming MTM is in use, what the TLO for the probe tool will be depends on if the probe tool is the master tool. It could be or it courf not be. If the Probe tool # DRO (WC Offset, probing tab) has the same value as the Master tool # DRO (Tooling page), this is the setup that tells MSM that the probe tool is also indeed the master tool. In that case the TLO for the probe tool will = 0 (as it is the master).
Well at least it will be if you have MSM measure the probe tool. OF course you can always put any value you want into the tool table as the TLO for any tool... If the operator puts in a value, it gets used - the old garbage in, garbe out situation.
If the MT# is Not = Probe tool, and MTM is on, then the TLO for the probe toll will be the difference between the PTL of the master and the PTL of the probe tool. in this case, a TLO value of 0.75 is possible- it would be saying that the probe tool is 0.75 different in length from the master tool.
derek wrote:
Edit: The probe would go down to the surface, pause, then proceed downward. Does this sound like a symptom of using a master tool with a negative offset?
Probably not. What MSM does when double probing is:
G91 G31 to the find a surface (G91 is convenient as it's easy to say probe for max probe dist)
Check if probe is triggered. If it is we found a surface. if not go back to start point.
back off surface using G91
probe a 2nd time using G91 G31
check if triggered - if so back off by user set back off distance.
Note that MS uses G31 in G91 mode - some controllers mess up G31 in G91 modes; that's an all too common problem.
Another thought - make sure that you have set the probe diameter correctly in the tool table. If may not be obvious, but the logic of things assumes you are moving a sphere around to find surfaces. The Diameter sets the radius of the sphere - and that radius is used for Z probes (as well as X and Y). Some people have thought that diameter only matters for X&Y - but that's not true.