mpg as hand wheels

MSM turn mode support (and mill-turn as it runs in turn mode).
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mpg as hand wheels

Post by adam »

I am finishing my lathe project a was looking @ the cnc4pc lathe panel kit with two MPG for "X" and "Z" axis and the question that came to mind is that can both MPG be used at the same time like manual lathe

And I also noted that the spindle on/off is the same button and thought there plan was to use the oem trigger like F5 in standard mach screen, but MSM turn doesn't use F5. looking for the a way this can be used in the same button how ever. I was really considering using the coolant button for spindle off for a two button start stop
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Re: mpg as hand wheels

Post by DaveCVI »

I took a quick look at the CNC4PC manual for this panel - please check my conclusions before spending $ on a panel, but I think it should be ok.
adam wrote:I am finishing my lathe project a was looking @ the cnc4pc lathe panel kit with two MPG for "X" and "Z" axis and the question that came to mind is that can both MPG be used at the same time like manual lathe
This is just two MPGs - connect them to mach using PP#2 as the manual shows and they should work. MSM has support for two MPGs in the lathe (and mill-turn) jog panel - you could actually make either MPG be either axis.
adam wrote:And I also noted that the spindle on/off is the same button and thought there plan was to use the oem trigger like F5 in standard mach screen, but MSM turn doesn't use F5. looking for the a way this can be used in the same button how ever. I was really considering using the coolant button for spindle off for a two button start stop
The manual for the panel show that the setup does not use key strokes to implement the buttons - so you don't have to worry about that approach. The Pin mapping connects the buttons to "OEM signals" in mach, and then they supply brains to connect the OEM signals to mach functions. From what I looked at this will also just work with MSM.

If you wanted to have different functions for the buttons, you can edit the Brains they supply.

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