TLO Probe problem

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TLO Probe problem

Post by lvanduyn »

Hi Dave
I have a weird problem with the probing for TLO. I do the TLO routine and tool does the double touch
and then retracts to the top. The Z dro shows the proper positive value on the tooling page. As soon as I
click on the button to go to the run page, the Z dro goes to zero. I am using ver 1.17.
This all worked perfectly well the last time I used the machine.
Any ideas what is going on?
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Re: TLO Probe problem

Post by DaveCVI »

Nothing comes to mind off the top of my head.
1) The obvious general question is what changed between when it all worked and now? Any clues come from thinking about that?

2) Can you reproduce the symptom at will?
If the problem is in the TLO sequence, I can tell you how to turn on debug logging to get logs for me to look at.
However, it sounds as if the TLO is fine, it's after that when you click to go to the run page that something odd happens (so a probe log may not help as that is over and done before the problem shows up) - did I get that correct?

3) is this TLO from touching to a gage block (which is a touch plate) or Auto TLo during a tool change using the TCP TP?

3a) If AutoTLO, please tell me what tooling options are active so I know what combination to think about -
Auto TCP
Auto TLO
Tlo modes
master tool mode
Skip RH holder

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Re: TLO Probe problem

Post by lvanduyn »

Hi Dave

Nothing comes to mind off the top of my head.
1) The obvious general question is what changed between when it all worked and now? Any clues come from thinking about that?

When I first tried to run the machine, I was getting an error message that it couldn't do a TLO and
then another message which said "interrupted by ESC/stop".

2) Can you reproduce the symptom at will?
Yes, it happens every time.

If the problem is in the TLO sequence, I can tell you how to turn on debug logging to get logs for me to look at.
However, it sounds as if the TLO is fine, it's after that when you click to go to the run page that something odd happens (so a probe log may not help as that is over and done before the problem shows up) - did I get that correct?

3) is this TLO from touching to a gage block (which is a touch plate) or Auto TLo during a tool change using the TCP TP?
I am using an active touch plate
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Re: TLO Probe problem

Post by lvanduyn »

I think I found the problem. I found a G43 code in the CAM output which effectively
set the DRO back to zero. I was able to do the TLO and the machine is now cutting.

I am using mach 043.33 and MSM 1.27. Would it be beneficial for me to upgrade these?
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Re: TLO Probe problem

Post by DaveCVI »

lvanduyn wrote:Hi Dave

Nothing comes to mind off the top of my head.
1) The obvious general question is what changed between when it all worked and now? Any clues come from thinking about that?

When I first tried to run the machine, I was getting an error message that it couldn't do a TLO and
then another message which said "interrupted by ESC/stop".
Hum... Is this still happening? or only the "problem when changing to run page" symptom?
Did this happen on it's own on starting or had you just pressed some button? If so, which button? OR was this during another operation (like measuring a tool) and if a TLO action, was this in response to a M6 tool change or a manual tool measurement (the measuer tool button on the tooling page)?

If these are still happening, I'd like a screen shot of the exact messages - that helps me zero in on the code that's in use when the message is displayed.
This is a general message that MSM displays when a script (most any button action) is interrupted by the user pressing the ESC key.
This acts differently in different version of mach - what version of mach are you running?
lvanduyn wrote:Hi Dave
2) Can you reproduce the symptom at will?
Yes, it happens every time.

If the problem is in the TLO sequence, I can tell you how to turn on debug logging to get logs for me to look at.
However, it sounds as if the TLO is fine, it's after that when you click to go to the run page that something odd happens (so a probe log may not help as that is over and done before the problem shows up) - did I get that correct?
OK, would you mind becoming a scribe and writing down each (and every) step from "start mach wiht MSM" to ..... to ...then I "Clicked XYZ" and the error occurs? I know that is a hassle, but when trying to devine what's happening from here, all the details help.
lvanduyn wrote: 3) is this TLO from touching to a gage block (which is a touch plate) or Auto TLo during a tool change using the TCP TP?
I am using an active touch plate
Ok, git the touch plate part. Is this to9uch plate the fixed one that is used for tool change TLO measurements (i.e. what the manual refers to as the "tool change Position Touch plate or "TCP TP"?
Of is this a use of a touch plate for what the manual refers to as the "mobile touch plate" where you place the plate on a part surface and touch tools to the plate to measure TLO?

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Re: TLO Probe problem

Post by DaveCVI »

lvanduyn wrote:Dave
I think I found the problem. I found a G43 code in the CAM output which effectively
set the DRO back to zero. I was able to do the TLO and the machine is now cutting.

I am using mach 043.33 and MSM 1.27. Would it be beneficial for me to upgrade these?
Ah ok, your post crossed in time with my last post.
Sounds as if you find the culprit then.... good.

Re mach and MSM version:
I high recommend that you upgrade mach from 3.43.33 to at least 3.43.37. Before .37 there are some bugs in mach that scare me from a safety standpoint - i know test cases where a script starts, one hits estop, the script stops (or appears to), you go on and bring the machine out of estop and the script continues! That type of unexpected motion can be hard on one's heart beat.
For that reason alone I hate to see anyone run a 3.43.xx series < 3.43.37.
Many MSM users (and myself) have been running 3.43.66 (the latest mach lock down release) - it's been quite stable and has a lot of bug fixes (particularly in late mode). The current CVI recommendation is to use 3.43.66

Re updating MSM, well, I'm a tad biased... the newer versions are all much better than older versions! :)
But whether those changes are useful to you or not only you can say.
For the MSM 1.x series, I'd say move to MSM 1.22 (assuming your current license status allows updates thru the 2/17/2012 release date of MSM 1.22).
The MSM 2.x series has lots of new functionality - but a lot of it is around lathe and mill-turn support - and if you are only running a mill you prob don't care about that. There are also other bug fixes in the 2.x series, but if you are not being troubled by them, that may not matter to you either.

So it comes down to "do what feels right for you".

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Re: TLO Probe problem

Post by lvanduyn »

Hi Dave
Thanks for the replies and sorry to have bothered you when it was a code problem on this end.
I had not seen the G43 code in the output before and never had a problem before.

My updates were good through July 2011 so I am looking at a new license I guess.
What will it set me back to update ???
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Re: TLO Probe problem

Post by DaveCVI »

Don't buy a whole new license - an update is always less expensive than a new license.

Go to the reference page, click "license info" button - look for the line in the dialog box that says:
"updates enabled thru:" <date>
that is the date thru which the license will run MSM releases with a release date before that date.
I think your license is good for more than July 2011 (according to my license server info). Assuming I'm looking at your entry, it appears you updated the lisc in 1/2012 and that should get you thru 6/2012.

The local copy of the license data on the PC may be stale - do an activation (really a reactivation in this case) and the local data will be updated by the license server. I suspect the it will show the later date.

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