civtek wrote:Hi Dave
I start a new topic wish I was asking about under topic "Finich Cut".
I still do not manage to do the Proxt Activation, it stops with Fig 186 as my picture do not apper as in the Fig 186. The license ID and the Password apper, but not the Installation ID. Taking the stepps father (witout Installation ID showing) all seems to be ok, but when doing phase 3 (installation) I get the message "Activation via Proxy failed". ( The Fig 186: Proxy Utility Activation Example pointed to is on page 285, revision 2.09 in the Manual).
When an activation fails, the proxy utility program give you message saying why it failed.
I need you to tell me the message or I don't have any what to know what happened.
However, please see my next question as it is most important...
civtek wrote:
In despair I tryed: "Online Activation". I come to the box: "Online Activation Dialog" and hit the button Continue and got the message Error 5013. Meaning, "There are no more activation left for this license. The user has used up the allowed number of activations".
Now I am confused. Is the PC you want to activate online and connected to the internet?
THe above makes me think that the PC is online because the ONLY way to get told all the activations are used up is to talk to the license sever and to have the license server tell the PC that the activation are used up. If the PC talked to the license server after using "online activation" then the PC has to be connected to the internet.
When a PC is connected to the internet, you should always use the online activation method.
When a PC is online, MSM can talk directly to the license server and the activation typically takes about 10 seconds.
Is the PC online???
If you will confirm to me that the PC you want to activate is online, we will stop trying to use the more complicated and less easy proxy activation.
civtek wrote:
Have I tryed so many times that I have messed up everything, is there a way out of this, can you help?
We will get this fixed up for you.
Please answer my question about the PC - Is the PC actually online?
I think from what you have posted this time that the PC is online.
When I look at the license serer log files, I see that a PC with your license ID has talked to the license server today and tried to activate MSM.
That attempted activation did fail because your MSM license is already activated on two PCs.
One MSM license will run two PCS but not more than two PCs.
FYI - from the MSM license database:
Your first PC was activate on September 8, 2012
Your second PC was activated on March 25, 2013.
How many copies of MSM do you think you have installed and activated ? Have you forgotten about a PC that MSM on it?
I can also change this, but I want to know how many copies of MSM you THINK you have activated before I consider doing that.