Spindle speed control

MSM turn mode support (and mill-turn as it runs in turn mode).
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Spindle speed control

Post by grsabourin »


I was of turning a piece I took a pause. When I restarted the spindle (S800 M4) it started to turn really fast, a way faster that expected. I tried to reduce speed but I have not response. Also when I start the spindle it ramp up really fast mostly no ramp and do the same when it stopped. Previously it was starting slow and increase speed until it reached expected speed. Finally, when I do a M5 to stop the spindle, it acts but after 10 seconds delay.

Just do not understand what happen.

Thank you.
Posts: 36
Joined: Wed Jul 08, 2015 6:07 am

Re: Spindle speed control

Post by grsabourin »


investigate the issue again and it seems it 18 inches issue. I accidentally hit spindle button turning off the control of the spindle by MSM and turning to manual control. It is working now.
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