Thanks Dave. I dug a while at the site and full agree with everything you say. It will be interesting to see how this goes as this has all the trappings of a product that needed some improvements and what came out is something far beyond what was wanted or needed for many customers.
How many OEMS's who (like you I'm sure), spent man-years perfecting scripts, engines to create runnable code etc, will now find it feasible to do it all over again? My gut tells me that you would have to have the majority of your user base switch, to make it feasible, and Artsoft says right up front that all changes needed to make anything work from 3 to 4 is on the OEM , we'll call you, don't call us ... &f=9&t=359#
And I look at the list of features, and if I strip out what you provide, whats left is features at the very high end, and performance enhancements. But even if they get "100x faster response from button to action",
for me (I'm NOT a high end user), thats like a fast blink to a really fast blink. The machine is already operating faster than I am, and running at the top speed the internal controller allows, so ??????
I hope if works out, but even they say Mach3 will be sold for years to come, as they really can't drop it till there are enough new pieces to fill in for the old ones, and I may be wrong ( probably am), but my experience is the longer you sell the older version, the longer and harder it takes to sell the newer, and the fewer switch.
Thanks for a great product, I'd be lost without it.