Excuse me while I sound a bit cranky for a second - please pick one communication channel for an issue and stick with it. I have a very hard time dealing with a topic that comes to me partially via direct email and partially via support forum postings. It also makes for a confusing read for other forum members as not all the conversation is present in the forum thread.
I need to know what you did step by step (the details are important) - a screen shot of a result is not sufficient. When I use the same features and no error occurs all we know is that you have something different than I do. I can't infer from the last step (the screen shot) what the steps were that lead up to that point - if I were that prescient I'd pick stocks for a week and then quit the rat race.
Normally, I'm not a fan of using a big hammer first - but, uh, how to I put this....? We have kidded around about you calling yourself "mikey " and how things tend to break for you... and I just fixed another problem for you in another thread where the issue is that things get clobbered on your system and a simple install of the proxy utility program fixes the problem. I don't know how or why you tend to mess with installed parts of programs (though I do wish you would figure it out and stop doing it

), but I can't ignore the repeating pattern. SO....
Please install MSM 2.0.7 on top of itself to get a consistent configuration.
Then try this again only, this time, write down what you do step by step. ANd i really mean step by step... as in
1) started Mach/MSM
2) referenced machine via "ref all home" button on load page
3) switched to Tooling page
4) set browse tool # to 5 in Tool Table information panel
5) clicked Edit button
6) got dialog box
7) typed tool description in
8) clicked save button
9) tool description now shows in the panel for tool #5
(btw I just did that and it all works fine for me).
If necessary, put the steps in a word doc, take screen shots to insert into the doc as you go and then I will have good context to hopefully figure it out.
If you still have an issue after the reinstall, then I want to see the step by step log that lead up to the problem. Then we can work from there.
In the mean time I have a couple of question to help me guess at a cause:
1) what are the setup units on the machine? inch or mm?
2) Can you save the tool table that had the error when you tried to edit it via "Save As"? if so email that tool table file to me.
UniqueMachining wrote:Dave
The issue with entering/editing tools in the table persists with Ver 2.0.7, Mach Ver .066, Win7
Start Mach and reference.
Go to tooling page and edit a tool
1. Tool nose radius (Tool units) defaults to mm not inch and will accept change but not retain.
2. Edit a tool and save, Description, disapears but it retains tool type, tip type, tool nose radius then:
Error on line 947 - Object variable or With block variable not found.
Can't get to 1st base (Reminds me of high school days and the ladies).
John (Mikey)