Welcome to the new CVI CNC User forums!

When I first set up the CVI user support forum several years ago, I was in a hurry and I used a free forum hosting service - that has served for a few years as the official CVI support forums.
Unfortunately, the service I used had several shortcomings that have grown to be really annoying...
1) Subscriptions
The old forum did not provide the ability to subscribe to forums, and the subscription to topics mechanism did not work well. This meant that I had to poll the forum several times a day looking for new posts. Over time this has become a real irritation to me.
This new forum fully supports subscription at both the forums and thread levels!
2) No More Ads
The old forum was on an ad supported hosting service. While any handy browser ad blocker stopped the ads, I was always uncomfortable with the ads on what people perceive a CVI web location. I could not help but feel that we were housed in a graffiti scrawled slum.
This new forum is hosted on the CVI web servers and has no ads at all!
3) Old forum content:
The old forum can be found here: calypsoventures.proboards.com
The primary CVI content from the old forum has been recreated here in the new forums.
Thus, all the info about MSM releases, release dates, mach versions etc are available here.
However, I can't pull the user threads from the old forum.... it turns out that the thread content is not the property of the board owner, but of the hosting service

I only realized the implications of that after the board had been in operation for a while. If that had sunk in up front I would not have used the service. But that's now water under the bridge...
As folks ask questions, we'll build new content here; and the old forum will remain up in case there is any need to reference a thread that started there.
I've been setting these new forums and it's beginning to look as if it may be time to crack open the front door and let people in...
Come on in - CVI is pleased to welcome you to these new digs. Wonder around, and be sure to let me know if anything seems broken.