Welcome to the new digs...

Discussion of various (CNC related) topics which are not product support issues.
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Welcome to the new digs...

Post by DaveCVI »

Welcome to the new CVI CNC User forums! :)

When I first set up the CVI user support forum several years ago, I was in a hurry and I used a free forum hosting service - that has served for a few years as the official CVI support forums.

Unfortunately, the service I used had several shortcomings that have grown to be really annoying...

1) Subscriptions
The old forum did not provide the ability to subscribe to forums, and the subscription to topics mechanism did not work well. This meant that I had to poll the forum several times a day looking for new posts. Over time this has become a real irritation to me.
This new forum fully supports subscription at both the forums and thread levels!

2) No More Ads
The old forum was on an ad supported hosting service. While any handy browser ad blocker stopped the ads, I was always uncomfortable with the ads on what people perceive a CVI web location. I could not help but feel that we were housed in a graffiti scrawled slum.
This new forum is hosted on the CVI web servers and has no ads at all!

3) Old forum content:
The old forum can be found here: calypsoventures.proboards.com

The primary CVI content from the old forum has been recreated here in the new forums.
Thus, all the info about MSM releases, release dates, mach versions etc are available here.

However, I can't pull the user threads from the old forum.... it turns out that the thread content is not the property of the board owner, but of the hosting service :x
I only realized the implications of that after the board had been in operation for a while. If that had sunk in up front I would not have used the service. But that's now water under the bridge...

As folks ask questions, we'll build new content here; and the old forum will remain up in case there is any need to reference a thread that started there.

I've been setting these new forums and it's beginning to look as if it may be time to crack open the front door and let people in...

Come on in - CVI is pleased to welcome you to these new digs. Wonder around, and be sure to let me know if anything seems broken.

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Re: Welcome to the new digs...

Post by thosj »

I made it over here, got registered and am all set. Will be nice to be able to subscribe to threads if the need arises. I see "notify" is set on by default, just the way I like it!!

Thanks, Dave
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Re: Welcome to the new digs...

Post by DaveCVI »

Hi Tom,
welcome! Now I know that it works for someone besides myself :)
Yeah the lack of notification support by proboards is a pain to me. I have to pool the boards a couple of times a day to spot new posts.

They promised subscriptions in the V5 boards, but it apparently got dropped and there are other things that proboards V5 will be trouble for. Their new stuff has been in beta for 9 months or so - and it's still buggy accoring to the beta forums, and the switch requires folks to make new logins as part of the conversion... when they announced that the conversion would be mandatory sometime in April, I got pushed over the edge and decided it was time to set up my own forums.

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Re: Welcome to the new digs...

Post by awander »

Great! I can reply to this post here.

The new forum looks good.
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Re: Welcome to the new digs...

Post by DaveCVI »

Thanks Andy.
I have a few things on the todo list, but it appears as if I could start moving folks over here.
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Re: Welcome to the new digs...

Post by pmdinc »

One more guy successfully registered and checking in......

Best of luck running the new board.

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Re: Welcome to the new digs...

Post by neilw20 »

The delete all board cookies at the bottom of page will be most convenient. :o as is the save draft. 8-)
Ok people... make with some content. :lol:

Oh, can i LMAO? :D :shock: :ugeek: :roll:
Last edited by neilw20 on Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Welcome to the new digs...

Post by UniqueMachining »


I realize that as a foreigner (American) you do spell certain words differently. e.g. labor not labour etc.

With the greatest of respect, I do however beleive that the word "with" is

If, for some reason (I can't imagine one as I write this), you should have a issue wrt to this board, contact the admin or a moderator privately and give us a chance to resolve any complaints.
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Re: Welcome to the new digs...

Post by UniqueMachining »

Re Post above message as I hit the return key prematurely.


I realize that as a foreigner (American) you do spell certain words differently. e.g. labor not labour etc.

With the greatest of respect, I do however believe that the word "with" is spelt the same in American. :mrgreen:

If, for some reason (I can't imagine one as I write this), you should have a issue wrt to this board, contact the admin or a moderator privately and give us a chance to resolve any complaints..

When the only thing a person can complain about is the small stuff, you know you are doing something wright (American spelling I presume). :P

Cheers, John
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Re: Welcome to the new digs...

Post by DaveCVI »

he he... isn't written language fun? The "wrt" was actually aslang way to abbreviate "with respect to"... but that would nave more properly been "W.R.T.".
But... that is always too much typing so I got lazy and used "wrt" which is common here in Silicon Valley in computer tech talk, but probably does not translate very well to others. :roll:

Productivity Software for Personal CNC Machinists
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