good morning,
i am in the process of setting up a gang block in millturn and i have many issues. i am using the latest mach3 and the latest msm on windows xp. mill has the same coordinate system as yours, in general config the two offset things are switched off.
1. probing: after loading my probe tool with t9999 the probe routines in z and x give the error: "probe runtime error #13 type mismatch" in this case my probe, a 10mm diamater ball end touches the surface the first time and then the error shows up.
y probing works fine. in mill mode probing works fine on all axis.
2. after that probing i manually set the dro's to match the front left corner of the gang block, x-5 and z0. then i say goto zero, the z axis works fine but the x axis is missing 2mm. i could repeat this behaviour.
although the radius for the probe tool is set to 5 mm, in the y axis ( where the probing routine works) sets the dro to y=-1 when the ball tip is 1mm away from the part. it should say -6.
3. on the settings page, you can choose whether to home first z and then x or vise versa. that does not work for me, it just homes x first regardless which button you activate.
4. setting the tool block coordinates worked a number of times. one time i wanted to override the tool block offset in a session and it says i should apply g92.1 i did that and since then the button set tool block offset is not working anymore, even after 3 new starts of windows.
with setting up the y offsets on the gang block, i could not get the "fixed y offset" to work since my master tool sits in the middle and spacing is not even. so i measured and manually changed the "y/turet" dro although it has no green line arround. it seems to work. maybe that is worthwhile mentioning in the manual, for me it was a lot easier.
am i right that every tool including the master tool should have a y offset? that is the offset from the front left corner of the gang block?
so the workflow would be
mount probe tool,
probing front left corner of gang block,
press set tool block zero button
mount mastertool t0101 (now the y coordinate should switch because of y offset of the master tool?)
in y go to zero,
lowering the z axis for setting z zero,
touching off the x axis (use touch off routine from screen) for x zero
did i get this work flow right?
thanks and a good 2017 to everybody,