Need help getting set up please please please

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Need help getting set up please please please

Post by blitznb »

Folks I have a converted G0704 mill. I am struggling getting the mill up and running properly. Recently out of frustration I decided to start over and install the version of mach suggested by wrap 9 for Ethernet smooth steeper. Mach3 version 3.043.062. I made this decision based on them reporting stability issues with .066 version.

I have worked through setting up the machine in just about every manner possible, however I just cant seem to get the machine to run any probing operation. I have tried to run Set TCP TP MCz Button as I know my PTL of probing tool T#250 = 4.3819. When I click this button and enter the PTL I get sporadic behavior. The X and Y axis appear to increase by .0001 constantly, but the Z never moves. Other times noting moves and I only get the "probing led" flashing, but no movement.

I also get this type of behavior after a tool change IE T250 M6.

My setup.
Facing the machine it homes to the back and Z to the top.
Table moves to right for x and back for y and top for z. As table moves left x increases positively, as table moves toward me Y increases positively as z moves down it increases positively.

I currently have two of the CNC4PC probes. They are wired in series (I have tired just about every variation as the diagram in the model didnt appear to be applicable for two active high probes).
I am running a C10 board with both probes wired to pin 11 and a 2.7 (i believe) resistor from +5 to input pin.
Running a Ethernet smooth steeper
Kelig digital drivers.

Anyone have guidance on if the probe wiring could be and issue or if I may just have some settings incorrect that would cause x and y to move when probing in any z direction or after tool change routine is started (and yes I am talking after the tool has gone to the tool change position).

any suggestions please?
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Re: Need help getting set up please please please

Post by DaveCVI »

Let's start at the basics and work our way up from there.
First, we will ignore the probe - does the machine move as commanded? Let's use the X axis as an example. If you are at X=0 and you command it to go to X=1, does it end up at X=1?
I'm just wanting to know that the machine moves as it's supposed to before we get into probing operations.

Second I want to see if I understand your set up correctly. You have two CNC 4PC probes that are wired in series - correct?

I am curious as to why you have two probes in series. What is the reason for this setup?

For debugging purposes, I suggest that you start with one probe only. Connect a single probe to the probe signal input pin.
Now with the one probe connected, go to the MSM hardware page, signals tab: on the right side panel, lower left corner of the panel, you will find the led for the probe signal. The LED should be off with the probe not touching anything.
Is the LED off?

Now touch the probe tip, does the Probe LED turn on when you move the tip?

And it goes back off when you release the tip?

Please let me know the results of these tests for the simple, usual case and we will go from there.
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Re: Need help getting set up please please please

Post by blitznb »

Hello, Thank you for the reply.
Yes the machine moves as commanded, have a bit to much backlash at the moment, but should work that out with some tightening. So I was confusing myself with axis directions. My machine homes, facing the machine; Z to top, x on left, y to the back. While drawing parts through Inventor and loading the program, I keep struggling with homing and zero-ing. So my confusion was with the Y for instance. In my drawings Y would be close to me and go + away from me. I wasnt thinking about the location of the cutter. So as the table moves from homed position (back of machine column) to + the cutter is actually moving toward the back of the table. Long story short, I got my axis straightened out.

I do, I have two CNC 4 PC probes. The thought was one would act as a probe and the other would act as a tool height setter. Turns out I just coudlnt get them to work in series. I was hoping to only require the one input and use Probe signal only. I gave up on that attempt. Unfortunately I didnt have any extra inputs so I had to get another C10 Breakout Board. I am now running the Probe and the tool height setter on the 2nd C10 BOB. This created some issues with the Ethernet Smoothsteeper and some confusion in programs. ESS states that you have to run version .62 I believe as .66 of Mach is not compatible. So i loaded the "downgrade". After setting up the 2nd BOB and running .62? version of Mach, i set the probe to the probe input pin and the tool height setter to Index/timing (not sure which, as suggested in your manual). This created issue as it wouldnt run with the version of mach i "downgraded" to based on ESS suggestion. So, i re-installed .66 of mach and tried again. Great now it works most of the time. There is an issue in the wiring that randomly will fire a signal to the tool hieght setter on rare occasions while probing for tool height. In addition I believe the ESS is having difficulty handling the version of mach, as I have had a couple of "Ethernet Smoothstepper has run out of memory or missed................" warnings mid programs. Crap, wasted material. None-the-less i am up and running and now tweaking for better accuracy.

So in the end, I believe it is best to run the two probes on separate inputs and I am having success with that as of today!
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Re: Need help getting set up please please please

Post by DaveCVI »

It's good to know that you are making progress. Here are a couple of things that came to mind as I read your last post:

1) The random triggering of the probe input sounds like an electrical noise problem. The best way to handle those is to clean up the input signals that the BoB sees. Make sure you are using shielded cabling to the probes etc.

You can test to verify that it is a noise problem by raising the probe debounce value in mach. See the MSM manual (you can search the manual for debouce) for a description of how to set probe debounce filtering and the impact that has on probe operations.

2) The use of a 2nd probe upside down as a moving tool setter introduces some complexity that (IMHO) is not needed.
Please see this thread for more information: ... etter#p736

3) Just FYI, I suspect the reason the probes did not work in series is that they are not just a switch but also include leds - and the LED circuit assumes that the probe is the only thing between the input and gnd. No matter since you are no longer trying to use them in series.

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