MSM anouncement tell that we can use two pin to connect probe and touch plate (to mesure TLO). Where i can enter the touch plate signal. Is that the "Timing" signal (44)?
If i mesure my probe, the function will look for a touch plate signal to go "on". but my probe is less rigid than my touch plate. is the tool length function will trig on both TP AND Probe? or i gone crash my probe?
vinythewheel wrote:MSM anouncement tell that we can use two pin to connect probe and touch plate (to mesure TLO). Where i can enter the touch plate signal. Is that the "Timing" signal (44)?
Yes, when running in "two signal" mode, MSM uses the timing signal for the touch plate.
vinythewheel wrote:
If i mesure my probe, the function will look for a touch plate signal to go "on". but my probe is less rigid than my touch plate. is the tool length function will trig on both TP AND Probe? or i gone crash my probe?
No problem, MSM knows when a probe tool is mounted and if it is being measured for length. So MSM is smart about which input to use - all the combinations og probe and touch plate work equally well with a single probe input (where electronics combines the probe and touch plate signals) and "two signal" mode.
Can someone provide insight on how this is done? I am attempting to run a probe (CNC4PC) and a seperate Probe/Tool Height setter (CNC4PC) on my C10 board with ESS. Originally I was under the impression that the two probes would be wired together in series. I used the resistor across the pin as suggested by CNC4PC "manual". I received sporadic results.
In most cases the probes were not recognized on initial probing operations, but oddly would work on second attempt.
In other cases it would find z move over to find x but just stop, never move down, would not show error and just appeared to be locked up in Probing operation.
Currently the individual probe lights work when each is pressed and in the case of setting tool height for the probe itself (both units activated) both probes light up.
Oddly even MSM shows the probe signals in the hardware tab, however when i attempt a probe operation the unit will activate and continue motion as though it is not registering through mach/msm.
Long story short I suspect i am going about this wrong, can someone shed light or be kind enough to point me to were I can get information on running a probe and a separate tool height setter at the same time please?