Editing G Code Error

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Editing G Code Error

Post by GMcG »

I have had MSM installed now for about three weeks and am not able to edit G code that I load in MSM. I get the following window when I hit the edit button; "Windows can't start the G code editor ( C:\Documents and settings\ Administrator\ My Documents\ Goode files\ rectangle test.tap) Err: 51 Internal error"

I opened up Mach 3 (without MSM) and loaded the same G code and edited it just fine. When I check configuration the G code editor selected is notepad. I re browsed notepad and selected it and still no go.

I use BobCads predator on another computer to generate and edit G code and am going to try to install predator on the CNC computer and select that program as an editor.

Any one have any ideas why MSM won't edit and straight Mach will?

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Re: Editing G Code Error

Post by DaveCVI »

MSM lets you set the utilities you want to use for editing. It also draws a distinction between the editor used for g-code files and the one used for plain text files.
Mach just uses one editor for everything.
Please see section of the user manual for more info. Check to see that the g-code editor is configured for MSM.
However, if it is not configured, it should not throw an error 51, it should ask you what editor you want to use.
I'm away for the long weekend so can't look into the error code at the moment. But I'd check the editor setting as the first thing to try.
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Re: Editing G Code Error

Post by GMcG »

Can you tell me how I would check to see if the G code editor is configured for MSM?

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Re: Editing G Code Error

Post by DaveCVI »

The key is the manual section number ( I referenced.
Section 10 is the MSM configuration chapter and covers (among other things) the Setting page of MSM.
Section 10.3.1 is specifically the settings page, common tab is the Misc Config Control group and in there is the description of the "set Utility Paths" button.
Click that button and you will get dialog boxes to set the G-code editor, the non-gcode editor and the PDF reader that MSM uses.

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Re: Editing G Code Error

Post by GMcG »

Again, thank you for yourprompt reply. I checked and here are the editors that are listed in the windows for each:

Non-gcode editor: c\windows\system 32\notepad.exe

G-Code Editor: C:\Documents and settings\Administrator\My Documents\g code files\ rectangle test.tap

PDF Reader: C: \Program Files\ Adobe\ Adobe Reader 11.0\ Reader\ AcroRd32.exe

What should the G Code Editor be set to?

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Re: Editing G Code Error

Post by DaveCVI »

Set it to whatever program that you want to use to edit g-code. It has to be set to an executable program. MSM runs the g-code editor program that is configured.
The info you posted shows that it is set to a gcode file which is not executable. Gcode files are data, not programs.

I suspect that is the source of the error 51 - MSM asks WIndows to run the gc0de editor program and windows returns an error as it can't run a data file.
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Re: Editing G Code Error

Post by GMcG »


It all worked out as you described. I believe that something self inserted the data file that was in there before. I deleted it and am just using the note pad exe as my g-code editor. Bob-Cad wants me to buy another "seat" to put Predator (Bob CAD/CAMs g code editor) on my mill computer (I use BOB CAD/CAM in the house on much faster computer to develop the CAD and CAM and then transport to the shop on thumb drive). Do you have any recommendations for other editors that you believe would be better than notepad, but not cost a small fortune?

Thanks for straightening this out and hope you had a good long weekend.

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Re: Editing G Code Error

Post by DaveCVI »

I've used NCPlot for many years. I know it and it does what I need, so I stick with it.
There are others, at various price points. Do a little googling and you'll find them - here's a couple pf links to get your search started:

https://www.reddit.com/r/CNC/comments/2 ... ably_free/

http://www.practicalmachinist.com/vb/cn ... or-118462/

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Eddie UK
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Re: Editing G Code Error

Post by Eddie UK »

I have found a free program called Predator CNC Editor. I have installed it & it works great, highlights the code in different colours too.

http://www.predator-software.com/predat ... ftware.htm

The free editor is the "light version".
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