gbratk wrote:Hi,
I'm converting 3 axis quick-tech lathe to mach3 (x,z,y), and I want to use MSM screen.
I'm unsure what is meant by a "3 axis lathe" (as lathe work is usually 2 axis motion). Perhaps you could point me to a description of the machine.
gbratk wrote:I'm using CS-lab IP-S motion controllers (
http://www.cs-lab.eu), ENC module for threading, and MPG module. This is fully compatible with mach3,
Well, unfortunately I'll have to offer a different opinion of CS-lab and mach 3 compatibility.
We have had multiple customers that have had trouble with the CS-labs products. In particular they do NOT implement probing or M6 script handling to be mach 3 compatible. It is known that they will not perform any probing operations correctly. For more info, please see this thread:
You can also search for other threads about them on this forum is you want to see the technical history.
To be honest, I have to tell you that CVI has proven technically that their products are incompatible in several ways with mach3.
We reported the problems to them, including verified test cases to show them their bugs. They refused to fix the problems and even told some customers that the problem was in MSM (which is a factually false statement). We consider their products as an unsupportable motion controller and due their past rude and defamatory communications to us, we will not and do not offer any support for MSM with CS-labs products.
gbratk wrote:Can any threading support be added to MSM screen?
Thank you
I'm not sure what you would want for this... threading is a gcode function and the MSM lathe screens do not need any special additions to do threading.
You are welcome to customize the MSM lathe screens as you need, but we will not be doing any changes specific to CS-labs.