As per your instructions Re-installed MSM 2.0.7 Started Mach/MSM Shutdown Mach/MSM/Computer to get clean start Re-Boot Re-Start Mach/MSM Select Mill-Turn Profile Re-Set Estop Press Ref All button Press Tooling Tab Button Click on tool table info DRO (Inch displayed in Green) Type in "01" P...
Dave The issue with entering/editing tools in the table persists with Ver 2.0.7, Mach Ver .066, Win7 Start Mach and reference. Go to tooling page and edit a tool 1. Tool nose radius (Tool units) defaults to mm not inch and will accept change but not retain. 2. Edit a tool and save, Description, disa...
Dave Upgraded to 2.0.7 Deactivated software by proxy Loaded 2.0.07 Activated 2.0.07 Error msg: ActivateOnline trapped error: 53 File not found: SKCA32.DLL John Tried to post this msg 2 min ago by pressing SUBMIT button and receive error: Fatal error: The file ./styles/se_sprites/template/bbcode.html...
WIN 7 Mach Ver .066 MSM Ver 2.0.5 Trying to setup MillTurn, No Joy Installed MSM with Lathe options. From the Readme Manual: It is OK to clone an existing MSM MILL profile…… DONE From the TURN Manual 1.4.1 ……and will start Mach with a lathe profile for MillTurn. The setup process given in the README...
Re Post above message as I hit the return key prematurely. Dave I realize that as a foreigner (American) you do spell certain words differently. e.g. labor not labour etc. With the greatest of respect, I do however believe that the word "with" is spelt the same in American. :mrgreen: If, f...
Dave I realize that as a foreigner (American) you do spell certain words differently. e.g. labor not labour etc. With the greatest of respect, I do however beleive that the word "with" is If, for some reason (I can't imagine one as I write this), you should have a issue wrt to this board, ...