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by GMcG
Thu Sep 10, 2015 11:38 am
Forum: MSM Mill Support
Topic: Setting up TCP TP with Timing input problem
Replies: 17
Views: 16960

Re: Setting up TCP TP with Timing input problem

Dave I finally got this going. I am embarrassed to say that the primary problem in not getting the mill to take the z axis down to the TP was the fact that I had gotten in the habit of pulling the probe jack out of its input so I could store the probe safely out of harms way. Of course this gives th...
by GMcG
Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:56 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Editing G Code Error
Replies: 8
Views: 12775

Re: Editing G Code Error

Dave: It all worked out as you described. I believe that something self inserted the data file that was in there before. I deleted it and am just using the note pad exe as my g-code editor. Bob-Cad wants me to buy another "seat" to put Predator (Bob CAD/CAMs g code editor) on my mill compu...
by GMcG
Tue Sep 08, 2015 5:49 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Editing G Code Error
Replies: 8
Views: 12775

Re: Editing G Code Error

Dave: Again, thank you for yourprompt reply. I checked and here are the editors that are listed in the windows for each: Non-gcode editor: c\windows\system 32\notepad.exe G-Code Editor: C:\Documents and settings\Administrator\My Documents\g code files\ rectangle test.tap PDF Reader: C: \Program File...
by GMcG
Mon Sep 07, 2015 4:45 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Editing G Code Error
Replies: 8
Views: 12775

Re: Editing G Code Error

Can you tell me how I would check to see if the G code editor is configured for MSM?

by GMcG
Sun Sep 06, 2015 4:06 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Editing G Code Error
Replies: 8
Views: 12775

Editing G Code Error

I have had MSM installed now for about three weeks and am not able to edit G code that I load in MSM. I get the following window when I hit the edit button; "Windows can't start the G code editor ( C:\Documents and settings\ Administrator\ My Documents\ Goode files\ rectangle test.tap) Err: 51 ...
by GMcG
Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:43 am
Forum: MSM Mill Support
Topic: Setting up TCP TP with Timing input problem
Replies: 17
Views: 16960

Re: Setting up TCP TP with Timing input problem

Dave Just tried your suggestion. Here is what happened...I disconnected the probe which I had successfully hooked up and used on pin 11 with a 220 K ohm resistor between pin 11 and the 5v connect for pin 11. I used a 2.47K ohm resistor in series from the tool clip to pin 11 ( the 220K ohm resistor r...
by GMcG
Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:46 am
Forum: MSM Mill Support
Topic: Setting up TCP TP with Timing input problem
Replies: 17
Views: 16960

Re: Setting up TCP TP with Timing input problem

Dave Haven't had a chance to try your suggested testing yet, swapping the Probe for the TP. However, I'd like to mention that I am going to have to get some advice to do that. Currently I have my inputs all pulled down on my BOB (C-10 from CNC4pc), therefore per the instructions for the CNC4pc probe...
by GMcG
Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:51 pm
Forum: MSM Mill Support
Topic: Setting up TCP TP with Timing input problem
Replies: 17
Views: 16960

Re: Setting up TCP TP with Timing input problem

The answer to question 1 is yes the probe works very well with LED for input signal working correctly. Probe works with corner probing etc.

With respect to question 2., When I hook up TP to same input signal as probe the TP triggers the LED when touched to frame of machine.
by GMcG
Sat Aug 29, 2015 3:40 am
Forum: MSM Mill Support
Topic: Setting up TCP TP with Timing input problem
Replies: 17
Views: 16960

Re: Setting up TCP TP with Timing input problem

Dave From the happy faces you posted I think you thought from my last reply that I had fixed the problem. That isn't the case. I was referring to the fact that I have had the max distance set to 10 inches all along. I think with all the trouble I am having I will be satisfied with not using the touc...
by GMcG
Fri Aug 28, 2015 4:57 am
Forum: MSM Mill Support
Topic: Setting up TCP TP with Timing input problem
Replies: 17
Views: 16960

Re: Setting up TCP TP with Timing input problem

I have the TCP TP installed , Max Dist DRO set to 10.00.