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by Mc2
Sun Nov 02, 2014 11:15 am
Forum: MSM Turn & Mill-Turn Support
Topic: Ref All button only works for X
Replies: 6
Views: 11202

Re: Ref All button only works for X

Dave, thanks for the fast response. I did try to set that statement from true to false with no change. I even moved the code for Z to above the X axis. NO change. I then deleted the X axis and nothing happened. As a last ditch effort I dis-abled the ESS smooth stepper plug in home config and the but...
by Mc2
Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:15 am
Forum: MSM Turn & Mill-Turn Support
Topic: Ref All button only works for X
Replies: 6
Views: 11202

Ref All button only works for X

I just downloaded your MSM screen set as I really do not like the stock screen for Mach3 Turn. I like your set much better. I have run into a snag. I can not get the Z axis to reference when I hit the Ref All button. The X axis reference just fine. I upgraded to the pro version on a trial basis to s...